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We Partner with MAPI Maharishi Ayurvedic Products International. In our opinion MAPI has the best information on Ayurveda and the purist products.  Visit their site to learn more about Ayurveda. Learn also how to do an ayurvedic home Abhyanga massage, get your body type assessed, including how to videos, recipe's and excellent product explanations for all health needs. You can also take a healthy body and nurture it to feel bliss 24 hrs a day.


MAPI Mission

Our mission at vpk® by Maharishi Ayurveda is to serve your health needs with the best ayurvedic herbal products. Through powerful formulations and ancient lifestyle tips, our aim is to bring balance to your body and life. It is not disease that creates imbalance; rather, disease is a symptom of imbalance. When we bring our body into a state of equilibrium, its natural state, and maintain this state, the symptom is good health. This is our goal: to help you achieve a state of balance resulting in naturally resilient and good health. Our knowledge is based on the world's oldest holistic wellness system. It is sustainable, using whole plants, authentic ayurvedic ingredients, and meticulous manufacturing to craft ayurvedic formulations that deliver maximum effect for the mind, body and emotions.

Our promise: Our herbals, natural skin care line, massage oils, aroma therapeutic blends, and teas are all created to do one thing: restore and maintain balance where imbalance exists.

In 1959, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi embarked on a global quest to revive the practice of a simple meditation technique known as Transcendental Meditation®, with the goal of helping people achieve lives free of stress and infused with inner peace. Since then, millions of people, in over 50 countries, have learned Transcendental Meditation. The importance of turning inward and relieving stress is now widely accepted around the world due to Maharishi's efforts.

As part of his revival of this ancient wisdom, Maharishi introduced Ayurveda to the western world. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda literally translated means "the science of life." In honor of him, our company is named Maharishi Ayurveda. Maharishi means "great seer" in Sanskrit, and it is appropriate that the revival of this ancient knowledge is prefaced this way.

Maharishi was unyielding when it came to the authenticity of these ancient formulations and their purity. In the early days of Maharishi Ayurveda, Maharishi, surrounded by the greatest Ayurvedic experts in India, rejected formulas due to minor deviations from the ancient original texts or due to lack of purity in the formula. This is the foundation of vpk® by Maharishi Ayurveda: Authentic, Pure, Effective and Safe.For more information on our Founder and the Transcendental Meditation technique, please visit


An integrative and a holistic approach is the future of health care. Integrative thinking to  treat disease means to  prevent disease and promote mind-body health by using the best practices of both modern medicine and natural medicine. Life and the universe are made up in layers. Big to small ,narrow to wide. Thinking this way allows us to to integrate all modalities ,uniting them to achieve our goal. By combining the time tested ancient Ayurvedic practices and modern scientific approaches to mind/body health we can select the most effective approaches. Because the knowledge is ever evolving we can continue to test and evaluate what ideas, protocols, techniques and practices to apply to improving our minds and hearts.

Everything is connected in nature like the  mind/ body connection.  Simply put, if one drags one leg of a table ,the whole table follows. We understand what is good for the mind is good for the heart so approach each not separately but together.

In practical terms what does this mean in terms of memory rejuvenation and improvement? We improve the mind by exercising it holistically- meaning exercise  both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The artist and scientist side or logical and spacial. The  front and back, the executive brain and motor cortex. Using the heart/emotional purification protocol, the inner brain and heart. All of which is like bringing in the light to dispel the darkness. Whole brain / heart exercising is like lifting weights. The more practice, the more perfection. Recent research and in Ayurveda there are many factors affecting the Healing of the brain/memory and the means to vastly improve it. Here are some of the factors:  Gut microbiome, gut health, diet, nutrition, heavy metal contamination, viral infections, fungal infection, just to name a few. And very important is Exercising the mind holistically is where we emphasize our protocol.

For added enhancement,  we suggest the Ayurvedic holistic approach using herbs and remedies to improve the body, sharpen the mind and as a physical and mental prevention tool from the stresses of modern life. Meditation also has been proven to improve the functions of the mind and body to a high degree. These are proven

ways to rejuvenate the whole mind and body. Based on the experience of many people, including myself, we have found that  the Ayurvedic products from MAPI -Maharishi Ayurvedic Products International -are of excellent quality . Their website is  an excellent source of general Ayurvedic knowledge, including recipes; product information; body type analysis. So we partner with them to give you, in our opinion ,the best resource for ayurvedic products and information.

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